2024 World Homeshare Congress

November 6, 2023

We want to see YOU there!

Get ready for an extraordinary global gathering! Mark your calendars and join us for the 7th World Homeshare Congress, hosted by Associazione A.M.A. - project VIVO.CON in Trento, Italy, from September 6 to 8, 2024. This event celebrates community, collaboration, and a shared vision of home-sharing.

The Planning Committee, consisting of members from Italy and Homeshare International trustees, has worked hard to ensure this Congress will be a memorable experience. The festivities kick off on the afternoon of September 6, followed by a special Welcome Dinner and Birthday Party. This event will not only celebrate the 7th World Homeshare Congress but also mark Homeshare International's 25th anniversary and VIVO.CON has 15 years of dedicated service to the people of Trento.

Throughout the weekend, Congress sessions will be conducted in Italian and English, fostering inclusivity and collaboration among participants from all corners of the globe. We encourage you to extend this invitation to everyone you know, as the 7th World Homeshare Congress promises to be a remarkable event that transcends borders and celebrates the power of home-sharing in fostering connections and building a brighter future.

Please help us share your thoughts.

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